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15 lines
616 B

login('admin', '123456')
tbl = loadTable("dfs://hft_stock_ts", 'TickPartitioned')
//select * from tbl where code='000666.SZ', m_nDate <= 2013.01.06
// delete from tbl where code = '000666.SZ' //, '000667.SZ', '000668.SZ', '000669.SZ']
for (code in ['000666.SZ' , '000667.SZ', '000668.SZ', '000669.SZ']) {
del_date = 2013.01.01
//end_date = 2013.01.31
do {
//print('Deleting ' + code + ' from ' + start_date + ' to ' + end_date);
print('Deleting ' + code + ' of ' + del_date);
delete from tbl where m_nDate=del_date, code=code;
del_date = temporalAdd(del_date, 1, "d");
} while (del_date <= 2022.12.31)